Saturday, December 24, 2011

Updates and Nails Inc. Magnetic Polish

Sooooo I've been a blogging failure.  I admit it.  I'm the worst.  In my defense, though, I was traveling for most of December without reliable internet, and then I had finals, and then I traveled again, and then I came home!  To a 'very aggressive case of viral pinkeye in my cornea' (to quote my obnoxiously hot eye doctor) which basically means I look like a monster and my vision is crazy blurred--apologies in advance for all the inevitable typos in this post.

But on the plus side, I have a TON of products to review and clothes to share!  First up is the Nails Inc. Magnetic Polish in Houses of Parliament, which I got during the Sephora Friends & Family sale.  It's $16 at, and comes in chrome, teal, and purple (which I got).

So how this polish works is that there's a magnetic rectangle on the outer lid.  When the polish is wet, you hold the magnet over your nail (putting the little ridge on your cuticle to keep the magnet away from the nail) for about 15 seconds and the magnet effect shows up!  It's really cool.  I noticed that the longer you hold the magnet over the nail, the thinner/more graduated the design becomes.  I only needed one thickish coat of the polish for opacity, so you do get bang for your buck here.  The polish is a little on the thick side, which works in its favor here, but it does take a little skill to apply (hence the awful manicure, since I'm blind as a bat today, which you can probably tell from the polish smeared all over the magnet).

The purple itself is a medium, grey-ish purple with a metallic finish.  Look how awesome the magnetic effect is!  I'm sure you could get all fancy and hold the magnet in different directions for different effects, but I'm vision-challenged today and I didn't want to push it.  I just think this looks really cool.  It feels like Minx, but for way less effect and cost.  I can't comment on the wear time yet, since I just did this today, but since I did one thick coat of polish it probably won't be stellar--but with the cool swirly effect, I'm not bothered.

Awkward Chic rating: A+.  It's not cheap, but I think the end effect is so great-looking and easy to achieve that it balances out.

Merry Christmas all!

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