Saturday, February 28, 2009

Hot Head

Do you ever go to get a fabulous hair cut, love it for about a week, and then decide you want something completely different? Well, that's all fine unless you're like me. Because my hair grows about an inch every month and a half. And while that is nice for when my hair is short, it's absolutely wretched when I want my hair to be long in a matter of minutes. So, even though my friends are jealous because I spend about a quarter of what they do on haircuts every year, I (not so secretly) am completely jealous of them because they get to change their hairstyles wayyyyy more often then I do. Just think. One inch in a little over a month. Kill me. Snails moonwalk faster than that.

Okay, at this point I'm feeling a little down and need a pick me up. Of the hair teasing and voluminizer kind, of course. Here are some photos of great hair and how to do it yourself (or have a uber skilled friend do it for you.) Courtesy of Allure.

"Braid a ponytail hair extension that matches your hair color and pin it at the nape of your neck. Wrap the braid around your crown, pinning the ends at your nape, then let your hair hang loose or twist it into a low knot directly above the braid."

"There's nothing sexier than hair that looks like it's been disheveled by a roll in the sheets. Mimic the effect by scrunching large sections of damp hair in your hands as you move a blow-dryer in circles around your head (hold it about six inches away). This fluffs the hair rather than matting it down. Another trick: Rub your crown lightly, like it's a baby's belly, for a few seconds to create slept-in texture."

"Add instant volume at the end of the day simply by changing your part. Flipping it to the opposite side not only gives you more lift at the roots, but it also helps you achieve a different look—without a trip to the hair salon."

"For a laid-back interpretation of half-up hair, pull the top and sides back into a loose ponytail (no combing—just shake and rake the hair with your fingers), wrap the ponytail around itself in a figure eight, then stick a bobby pin or two through it to secure."
"There's a laid-back vibe to textured hair, probably because it looks effortless—and it almost is. Simply run leave-in conditioner through damp hair to calm frizz, scrunch large sections, then tuck hair behind your ears while it dries to create a gentle wave."

Now, there you have it.

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