Friday, June 5, 2009

Upcoming MAC Launches

Hey guys, only one post today because it's my graduation! And it's raining. In LA. In June. Go figure. Anyways, I rounded up all the info I could find on the upcoming MAC launches, so you guys can see all the pics in one place and get my opinion on what to or not to buy. I'm not putting up all the pictures, just the ones that interest me.

Naked Honey: release date June 11, 2009.

Creme de Miel eyeshadow, Buckwheat eyeshadow: I've seen Creme de Miel swatched, and it looks like a really nice, frosty, light gold that could be a great highlight color. Buckwheat looks really, really pretty. I'm a sucker for brown shadows, and I'll bet this one has gold in it, which would make for a gorgeous smokey brown eye.

Honey Light High-light Powder, Lipglasses in She's a Star, Queen Bee, and Buzz: Temptalia swatched this high-light powder, and it does have a shimmer over-spray, but it powder itself is a nice, shimmer gold with a hint of bronze. For pale people (like me!), this would be a good summer bronze powder, because it adds just a hint of color with a bit of gold sparkle. And the honeycomb pattern is so pretty! I wasn't sure about these lipglasses at first, but they've grown on me, especially She's a Star. A light, golden/apricoty lipglass seems like such a great way to do a neutral, but fun lip for summer, no?

Naked Honey Skin Salve, Creations in Naked Honey and Africanimal: I'm sure that the salve is nothing but a glorified lip balm, but I hear it smells like honey. I would so buy it just for that. I love honey. Which is why I'm thinking I'd like these two perfumes, especially Africanimal (which seems a little deeper). The bottles are adorable, and both scents sound sweet, but not over the top, and nicely layered. Plus, MAC creations have super lasting power.

Love That Look: Fall 2009.

Eyeshadow in Smoke & Diamonds and Fashion Groupie: Smoke and Diamonds is gorgeous! It's a re-promote, and it's a dirty, warm gray, which sounds weird but is so, so much more wearable than the typical cool gray. Fashion Groupie looks like a nice, vibrant purple that's festive, but still wearable.

Eyeshadow in Glamour Check and Dreammaker: I also love Glamour Check! It's such an odd color, but in a good way. It looks like a dirty, warm, purpley brown. I'd have to swatch it, because it coud look a little like a black eye, but right now I'm drooling. Dreammaker looks like Creme de Miel, a nice warm highlighter, basic but indispensable.

Eyeshadow in Style Snob, Pearlglide Liners in Fly by Blu, Black Russian, Molasses, and Rave: Style Snob looks interesting, like a very warm, slightly dirty taupe. I'm curious about this one. It could be really pretty, and a collection staple. I've never seen anything like it. And of course new Pearlglide liners are always welcome. I want all of them, especially Rave and Molasses. Gorgeous!

Baby Bloom: releases Fall 2009.

Studio Tints in Deep Dark, Dark, Medium Deep, Medium, and Light, Suntints in Pink Tinge, Moist Plum, Lilt of Lily, Just a Smudge, and Full of Grace: I'm so excited that MAC is doing a tinted moisturizer. I can't even put it into words. They make great concealers and great foundations, so I have really high hopes for this baby. I mean, a MAC tm with SPF? No words. They're also introducing a tinted lip conditioner thingy, I think to replace the tendertones. It comes in a tube, so it's more sanitary than the tendertones, and it also comes in more colors (and with SPF!), so I'm excited for that one too.

Euristocrats II: releases July 2, 2009.

Dazzleglasses in Local Colour, Rue d'Rouge, Euro Beat, Internationalist, Roman Holiday, Via Veneto, and Date Night: MORE DAZZLEGLASSES!!! That's always a good thing. I mean, really, who doesn't love a dazzeglass? I want Local Colour, Euro Beat, and Roman Holiday. Scratch that. I want all of them. Even the purple ones.

Style Warrior: Already in stores.

Lipglasses in Liberated, Gold Rebel, Fierce & Fabulous, and Style Warrior: I just had to add these because one of my friends got the lipglass in Gold Rebel, and it's gorgeous. I thought it would be way too yellow, but it actually goes on pretty sheer, and just adds a nice, warm dimension to the lips. I highly recommend it. And the packaging is so cute!

Image Sources:
Naked Honey:, Baby Bloom:, Love that Look:, Euristocrats II:, Style Warrior:

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